It is not enough to be compassionate.

You must act.

Our Social Commitments2020-03-09T07:45:31+00:00

Axiommax foundation is our social service division to help and motivate the cancer patients and their families to boldly face the disease and its treatment process. We have developed some motivational songs and video albums for the cancer patients and their caregivers in various languages as a part of our corporate social responsibilities which will certainly boost their morale.

Every year around 1 million new cancer patients are detected in India of which:

  • One-third is either habit or lifestyle-related cancers & we believe that they can be prevented through various awareness campaigns.
  • Another one-third of the cancers can be detected early which are female-specific cancers like breast & cervical cancers.
  • The remaining one third can be given the best treatment option available in the world resulting in the improved survival and better quality of life for the patients.

All this can be done through proper campaigns & patient support programmes.

We plan to do a number of awareness and detection campaigns in collaborations with leading cancer Institutes & NGO’s.

We also wish to help the patients for their rehabilitation and palliation in our future support programmes.

We are sure that all these social and scientific activities will certainly go a long way to boost the morale of those who are suffering and give us all the satisfaction of sharing the emotions, the pain, the agony, the sufferings & the feelings of the cancer patients and their families.

Motivational Video (Patient)

Motivational Song Audio (Caregiver)

Motivational Video HAUSLA Interviews (Singers)